Plan Your Irish Bus Tour

O'Connors Of Kerry is only the start of your Dream Ireland Tour

Plan out your Ireland Bus Tour below

Don’t know where to start with your Itinerary and require some help from us? Just Ask the Expert and we will help you plan your tour.

    Your Name


    Phone No.

    Arrival Time

    Departure Time

    Preferred day tours

    How many people are on your tour?

    How many days do you want to be on tour?

    Where did you hear about us?

    Other requirements or comments

    Once you have the form above filled out, click the Send button and we will evaluate your details and get back to you accordingly.


    This is the first step to a vacation you’ll never forget minus the stress of all the planning and itineraries. 

    We here at O’Connors of Kerry take care of you! We are with you each Kilometre of the way across the Beautiful scenery of Ireland. We wish to provide you with the most amazing tour across Ireland you will ever partake in.

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